
The place is Ecuador, in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. After a 1500 km journey in the forest I’ve met the Shuar people and I’ve started a collaboration with them. My pictures try to witness their millennial tradition as defenders of the forest. I deliberately chose to work without a set, thus avoiding the […]

shaman power

Anachronism of the shaman power Galleria Nazionale D’arte Moderna Roma – 2017 The National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art of Rome hosts the artist Gianluca Balocco in the project Animatime, with a performance called ”the honor to make the plant life”. Gianluca Balocco pursues – on the sharp and indissoluble connection between the power […]

naked plants

Naked Plants is a research lasted two years on suspending live plants in places where they usually would not even recognized or view. The vegetable world is not a simple collection of plants, but a connective tissue on which gave rise to our life. The vegetable cosmos is a larger body of which we are […]


The Skin: complicated organ, essential, sensitive, which has a memory, constitutes the line between the outside and the inside of our body and it’s so important when establishing a relationship between two human beings and in the knowledge of the art. Four blind women grab the classical statues of the Isabella D’este collection in Mantova. […]

the life of things

In Museum Francesco Messina’s rooms, an exhibition organized by the Milan Municipality, City culture Department – Studio Museum Francesco Messina, required by the director Maria Fratelli, and inserted in the cycle of appointments called ” The Side of Culture”  devoted to the relationship between sculpture, 2-dimensional image which stands for, invoke or respond to it […]

the chinese doll

The doll is probably born from the necessity of man to recognize and investigate the boundaries of his own body and as a container extended its powers divination. In this “magical dimension and immortal” of the body we find the ancestral symbols that have defined the origin as an object capable of knowledge in which […]

infidel children

Photography only represents a lie (false), so life does about the definition of reality. We could argue that a stable reality does not exist, photography – in its own stagnant aspect – is an oxymoron of a view and what seems real can be temporarily true/unreal or false at the same moment as far as […]

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