Moor Gianluca Balocco

Moor (alias Gianluca Balocco) is an artist who uses unconventional photography and video combined with A.I. and pictorial language as “tools” to investigate themes that relate the image to the perception of the observer through principles of Neuro-aesthetics.

The Studies

Moor’s current research began in the 1980s with in-depth studies of photography technique at the Academy of Fine Arts and later as an independent photographer. Moor is graduated in architecture in 1988 and specialized in ’99 with a master’s degree in computer science/multimedia at the Politecnico di Milano. 

The Research

In the 80s Moor’s research was focused on the “photo-tracks,” photographic shots transformed into material images that evoke mechanical painting. In the ’90s the artist devoted himself to the study of the relationship between the mind of the individual and the collective memory, using photographic images of groups of people found in disused archives. In 1993 he presented at the XLV Venice Biennale “Journey without Passport,” a photographic installation built on the theories of Bion that relates memory, images and emotions, and made with a group of women long-term patients of a psychiatric hospital.

From 1997 to 2000 his research uses the techniques of multivision and focuses on the theme of the transformation of photographic images as an “extended object” i.e. as a synthesis of subjective and collective vision. It then focuses on ecological issues and the study of systemic relationships related to nature. The human and social environment is revisited through a personal reading that connects it to the intelligent plant world, to reveal itself in its universal dimension. Moor then approaches the open debate by neuroscientists like Semir Zeki on neuro-aesthetics and plant neurobiology like Stefano Mancuso. In 2013, Mancuso invited him to witness his research in “Plants signaling and behaviours” in Paris – Sorbonne. The volume Naked Plants, whose absolute protagonists are plants and their roots, collects its photographic and poetic research on the intelligence of the plant world and opens new perspectives. The same systemic themes enriched by neo-evolutionist reflections return in the exhibition Cosmovisione Shuar, the long work made in the Amazon (Ecuador) in collaboration with an isolated Shuar community in the forest, whose photographic works are collected in the volume Witjai – The green gene of the human race.

Current research: "The 4th Dimension"

Since 2017 Moor resumes the research started in ’99 on metric oculus technologies inspired by principles of Neuro-aesthetics.

The work that took several years of research until 2021 and 4 years of linguistic and technological development manifests itself according to a Neuro-aesthetic approach in a potential state through a  complex image (Photo/ AI/ Digital code) that changes in a dynamic flow following in real time the perception of the subject as it enters into a relationship with the electronic canvas.

Solo Exhibition (short 2015 -2024)

2015 Naked Plants, site-specific installation at the Norsa Synagogue Mantua. Presentation of the book Naked Plants. Introduction Stefano Mancuso;

2015 Festivaletteratura – Mantova – artist’s book Naked Plants, Aboca Editore;

2015 How the Arts tell the Plants (Balocco, Pistoletto, Cosma), Accademia di Brera, Milan curated by Giovanna Zucconi and Aboca Editore

2016 Cosmovisione Shuar, Site-specific installation and exhibition on the work carried out in the Amazon. Museo della Grafica, Pisa – curated by Francesca Bacci – catalogue ETS editions;

2016 The surprise of life, GAM Palazzo della Ragione, Verona – curated by Francesca Bacci and the artist.

2017 Immaginando, the image through the senses, Palazzo Ducale Mantua  Stanza dei Capitani, Mantua – edited by Peter Assmann – Crowdbooks catalogue;


2017 Honoring the plant world, National Gallery, Rome. Performance with suspension of a tree. Site-specific installation photo exhibition. The anachronism of the shaman power – edited by Cristiana Collu Annarosa Buttarelli and Francesca Bacci;

2017 Belle di Natura, Museo Messina, Milan – Installation the life of things – Accolla Fracci Savignano. Exhibition in coordination with Zachari Logan curated by Francesca Bacci and Maria Fratelli. Catalogue Crowdbooks publisher;

2018 Milan Photoweek in Casa Museo Boschi. Replacements of Achille Funi set-up / donation work and dialogue by Diana Cicognini and Maria Fratelli.

2018 The Chinese Doll Museum B. A.C. O., Bergamo, exhibition and site-specific installation by Elio Grazioli and Mauro Zanchi

2018 The Chinese doll. Too Good Society of Milan by Elio Grazioli Contributions by Ferdinando Superti Furga and Marco Belpoliti

2018 The chinese doll, Museo della Bambola Fondazione Furga Canneto sull’Oglio Mostra – curated by Elio Grazioli – contributions by Ferdinando Superti Furga and Marco Belpoliti – artist’s book Too Good Society Editore.

2019 – 2022 Flash sensory -experience The4thdimension. The Sites: Samsung Center Milan /Armani Silos Milan/ Bam Fondazione Catella Milano/ Museo Palazzo Mocenigo Venezia/ Muse TN/ Palazzo Te Mantua/ SCM Switzerland Tourism Milan / M9 Mestre Venice/ Scuola Grande di San Rocco Venice

2020 TEDX Be Kind Torino / Hotel Lingotto Talk and The4thdimension experience

2023 Naked Plants. Giardino Caneva  La Spezia Gardens. Talk Art and Plant Neurobiology

2023 Day of the Contemporary in Italy. Regional Mining Park of the Metalliferous Hills. Gerfalco (Grosseto) Site-Specific Installation

2024 Mela Ride: from the symbolic ecological apple to the ironic apple of transformation. Sala Viani – GaMC, Viareggio – exhibition curated by Maurizio Vanni, exhibition by Paolo Riani in collaboration with Laura Mirabelli,

2024 “Culture and functional technology. How artificial intelligence is changing the worlds of perception and education.” Hotel Esplanade, conference – Viareggio curated by Maurizio Vanni + Installation Opera Floating Eros impermanence.

2024 Venice-skin & Floating Eros – Fondazione Donà dalle Rose – Venice. Site-specific sensory installation and exhibition by G. Balocco and Elio Grazioli.

2024 “In Principio l’indeterminazione dell’immagine” Mocenigo Palace Museum Venice. Presentation of the volume Pamphlet and conference with Elio Grazioli, Nicola De Pisapia; Jacopo Scarpa; Goriano Rugi;

2024 Traveling beyond the canvas. 60th VENICE BIENNALE Cameroon Pavillion. Special Guest at the 60th Venice Biennale Cameroon Pavilion. Site-specific installation Floating Eros impermanence. Conference “Traveling beyond the canvas”. Speakers Alessio Musella and Chiara Modìca Donà dalle Rose. 26/04/2024 h 17:30. Catalogue Venice Biennale Cameroon Pavillion 

2024 Art Night Venice University of Ca’ Foscari of Venice Historical studio Inchiostro. Site-specific installation Floating Eros impermanence. Exhibition installation Floating TAROT curated by Prof Matteo Poletti Venezia

2024 Monumental Complex of the Roman Aquarium Rome – House of Architecture. Pattern Forest Experience and Floating Eros Experience. Site-specific installation inside the Palace and Video Wall on the Palace in the Park. Curated by Andrea Guastella and Mart’è Scultura.

2024 Linli Art Space Galleria Venezia. Secret Venice and Reflected Visions. Site-specific sensorial installation opera Venice skin and exhibition of the artist’s chromo-holographic Hitimm.

2024 Weaving Through Time and Space ART SPACE VICTORIA LU  Venice Palazzo Bragadin Carabba / Site-specific sensorial installation sensory work  “Venice Skin and Floating Eros” and installation of chromo-holographic works.

2024 Real Ilusions /  Art Space Annual Metaverse Venice / Victoria Lu  Foundation Venice Palazzo Bragadin Carabba / Site-specific sensorial installation Innerlandscape  and Floating Eros installation of chromo-holographic works.

Group Exhibition (Abstract 1992-2012)

1996 Image Drawn. Egypt – Cairo – Image Drawn – Italian Institute of Culture, curated by Martina Corgnati.

1996 Cyprus – L’Arnaca – Immagine Disegnata – Mura Veneziane, curated by Martina Corgnati.

1998 End-of-the-century masterpieces – Umbertide Museum of Contemporary Art The Rocca of Umbertide (PG) – End-of-the-century masterpieces – Fifteen authors chosen by fifteen contemporary intellectuals. Catalogue by Enrico Mascelloni and M. Caputo.

1998 The collection of the Rocca Umbertide (PG) – Rocca di Umbertide – La collezione della Rocca by E. Mascelloni

1998 Ancona – Mole Vanvitelliana – Biennale Arte Contemporanea

1998 Marche Prize – edited by G. Appella, G. Cortenova, E. Di Stefano, S. Fiocchi, L. Lambertini W. Tulli, general catalogue Mazzotta.

1998 Turin, International Youth Film Festival (Spazio Italia) “Twentyfive thousand days” Art Video prix in competition; general catalogue

1998 Art and Civilization Foundation; 20 Artists for Absolut Vodka, cat.gen. curated by M. Corgnati.

Solo Exhibition (Abstract 1994 - 2012)

Venice – XLV Venice Biennale 1993: “Deterritorial.” Photographic installation and video by Achille Bonito Oliva and Virginia Baradel

Umbertide (Perugia) – Morte Giriama – Rocca di Umbertide Centre for Contemporary Art Plotting catalogue curated by Enrico Mascelloni.

Marseille – Museum of Contemporary Art “Vieille Charitè” in collaboration with Museo C. I.P.M. (Centre International Poésie Marseille) – 13 Poétes pour Marseille Catalogue by Michel Giroud.

Nicosia (Cyprus) – Famagusta Gate – Mosaic – Exhibition by the Embassy of Italy and the Municipality of Nicosia. Catalogue by Martina Corgnati.

Turin-Lingotto, Congress Centre – Transformations – curated by V. Dehò. In collaboration with International Centennial Conf. on the work of W. R. Bion. Cat.- Parise ed.

Zola Predosa (Bologna), – Fondazione Cà La Ghironda – Museum for Contemporary Art, UnderWater permanent installation.

Public Collections (1990 -2024)

Termoli (CB) – Civic Galleries of Termoli.

Umbertide (PG) – Center for Contemporary Art Rocca di Umbertide

Marseille (France) Museum of La Vieille Charité – C.I.P.M.

Bologna – University of Bologna (University Collection).

Bologna, (Zola Predosa) Foundation Museum for Contemporary Art Ca’La Ghironda.

Trento Civic Galleries; Civic Collection.

Verona, A.T.E.R. – Province of Verona (ATER Collection).

MART Rovereto Mart collection; Urlo beautiful National Library

Teresiana Library (Teresiana Gallery Collection); 

Palazzo Lanfranchi  Museum of Graphic Arts of Pisa photographic collection; 

GNAM Galleria Nazionale Roma  collection of the National Gallery of Modern Art of Rome 

Museo Civico F. Messina Milano/collection Casa Museo Messina

Casa Museo Boschi Di Stefano Milano

Museo Castello D’Albertis Witjai – collection of the Museum  

Civic Museums of Venice of the 20th Century Palazzo Cà Pesaro Museum 

Civic Museums of Venice of the 20th Century Palazzo Fortuny Museum

Donà dalle Rose Foundation of Venice

Viadana Civic Gallery Museum of Contemporary Art

© copyright gianluca balocco - all rights reserved