Gianluca Balocco in art Moor is an artist who uses photography as a tool to investigate the human and social environment in relation to the intelligence of plants.

He began his research in the 1980s when studying the techniques of photography and applying these to his own artistic experimentation. These are the years of his “photo-tracks”, photographic shots transformed into concrete images that recall mechanical, random painting.

In the 90s he embarked on a cycle of research into the relationship between the individual mind and collective memory. In 1993, at the XLV Venice Biennale, he presented “Viaggio senza Passaporto”, a photographic installation built on the theories of Bion, linking memory, images and emotions.
His systemic approach, enriched by neo-evolutionist reflections, was again present in the exhibition “Cosmovisione Shuar”, a long artwork created in Amazonia in collaboration with a Shuar community isolated in the forest. The images were collected in the volume “Witjai – The Green Gene of the Human Race”.
In 2015 Balocco in art Moor published the volume “Naked Plants”, a photographic and poetic inquiry into the intelligence of the plant world. In 2017 he developed eye-tracking technologies, by means of which a photographic image is modified in real time by the way the observer looks at it. The result is a complex and unpredictable experience in a “fourth dimension” poised between the real and the imaginary, between hu
man life and the entire universe.

The 4th Dimension Project

Balocco in art Moor began his photographic explorations in the 1980s.

Over the last 10 years he has focused his research on botanical themes, on systemic interdepencies on the planet, on shamanism, and on the relationship between mankind and nature. From these experiences he has developed a concept of art and art-works as a joint creation by the artist and the viewer. 


2015 “Naked Plants”, site-specific installation at the Norsa Synagogue, Festivaletteratura, Mantova, the artist’s book Naked Plants, Aboca Edizioni;
2015 “Come le Arti raccontano le Piante” (Balocco, Pistoletto, Cosma), Brera Academy, Milan;
2016 “Cosmovisione Shuar”, Museo della Grafica, Pisa – curated by Francesca Bacci, catalogue by ETS editions;
2016 “The Surprise of Life”, G.A.M. Palazzo della Ragione, Verona – curated by Francesca Bacci;
2017 “Immaginando. The Image through the Senses”, Palazzo Ducale Stanza dei Capitani, Mantova; catalogue by Crowdbooks Editions, curated by Peter Assmann;
2017 “Rendere onore al mondo vegetale”, Galleria Nazionale, Rome – curated by Cristiana Collu, Annarosa Buttarelli and Francesca Bacci;
2018 “Belle di Natura”, Messina Museum, Milan – curated by Francesca Bacci and Maria Fratelli, catalogue by Crowdbooks Editions;
2018 “Witjai il Gene Verde della Razza Umana”, Castello D’Albertis, Genova– curated by Gianluca Balocco and Maria Camilla de Palma, catalogue by Crowdbooks editions;
2018 “The Chinese Doll”, B.A.C.O. Museum, Bergamo + The Toogood Society, Milan + The Museo della Bambola, Fondazione Furga – curated by Elio Grazioli; recorded in the artist’s book The Chinese Doll, Toogood Society, Editore.

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